Turbulent Times
June 11, 2022
We are definitely living in turbulent times. And for technology it has been, and is, extremely interesting. But is there more happening than meets the eye? When we created the Humanity In The Loop podcast in 2021, we made a statement on our website 9human.co. And that statement is still there. And here it is.
As the world of technology is moving fast toward automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things, edge computing, robotic process automation, blockchain technology, and more, the big question is, how does humanity benefit and prosper from these technologies moving forward? We are extremely pro technology, but we do believe that humanities voice will shape the operations, products, and services of technology companies going forward.
When we said that we do believe that humanities voice will shape the operations, products and services of technology companies going forward it was not just an off the cuff statement. There was a lot of heart, soul, and human capital put into that statement. And so at this time we ask the question: is it happening and unfolding right now? No matter what the technology is, humanity for the most part is in the loop. You are selling your products to humans or businesses run by humans. So let’s ask another question. Do you think that it is callus and destructive to think otherwise?
Over the next few decades whether it is artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain technology, and more, companies are going to be throwing everything that they have at it. With a goal of becoming successful in the marketplace. But should they be extremely conscious of who their customers or users are? And at all cost should they firmly put in place a customer centric and humanity first approach anchored in their business model? So let’s ask another important question. Did companies from what is being called the web 2 era of technology succumb to outside pressure to look for short term economic growth? And when they did that did they sacrifice their customers or users for that growth? And if they did that will those customers come back? Or is it permanent churn? And the next question is, on a business level, are customers the most precious commodity a business has whether it is small or very large?
From the time of the .com crash in the year 2000, until now 2022, there has been a phenomenal amount of technological advancement. Would you agree that there has been a lot of amazing innovation, but also some very destructive aspects and behavior as well?
But now as we move forward into a new time period with technology. Is it time to reflect, analyze, and learn from the mistakes and move to create an even more positive technological environment? It is definitely going to be fascinating to see what unfolds in the next 10 to 20 years in relation to technology. As we move forward, our hope can only be that companies who create technology products do it with the best intentions for the public. And are empathetic to the fact that individuals, micro enterprises, and small businesses need to earn an income to actually become a buyer of their products. Do you think this is a very simple business approach and should not be that hard to grasp?
As we come to the end of this blog post, we will double down on our 2021 statement. And again say that we are extremely pro technology, but this time we will ask you the reader the question. Do you believe that humanity's voice will shape the operations, products, and services of technology companies going forward? We hope you feel this blog post was thought provoking.